Energy Information at High Speed
7515 Cubic Feet per Minute
Electricity Rate:
35 Watts (excluded lights)
Airflow Efficiency:
218 Cubic Feet Per Minute Per Watt
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Damp Rated
Damp Rated
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Additional Info:
5683 CFM on High
Compatible with most Smart home devices (required controls sold separately)
DC motor with reverse switch, variable fan speeds, light control, sleep timer, home away, fresh air
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2020
Set of (3) 60 inch damp rated blades included
TR205D handheld remote with CR2032 batteries included
Limited Lifetime Warranty
Airflow Efficiency Medium:
Avg Estimated Yearly Energy Cost:
Avg Estimated Yearly Energy Cost on HIGH:
Compatible Accessories:
ET6235-12GBL, ET6235-24GBL, ET6235-36GBL, ET6235-48GBL, ET6235-6GBL
Compatible Wall Controls:
Exempt from DOE Procedure:
Motor Finish Method Type:
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